Patrick Janvarius's blog Basic-knowledge-computer: Search engine Optimization original

Search engine Optimization original

Search engine Optimization 

What is search engine optimization: SEO?

SEO is the abbreviation for search engine optimization." search engine Optimization ( SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of website or web page in a search engine's natural or organic search result. . 1  The highest ranked website that is displayed in the search results list receives a number of visitors from the search engine's users. SEO help to make sure that a site is accessible by a search engine . ' search engines are programs that search documents for specified keywords and return a list of document where the keywords were found. 2. Search engines enable users for  documents on World wide web. Search engines refer users to websites if they find the content , performance of a website that is the most relevant to what the user is looking for. 

Seo Tools and services 

While an SEO introduction is a great starting point, as your marking efforts progress, you may want to consider securing additional SEO tools and services. 
Often times , Search engines themselves will provide these tools and services , such as Google's Google Analytics , Google webmaster Tools , Google Ad words keywords, Tool Google Alerts, Google Trends, Double Click Ad planner , Google page speed side  Map , and more.In addition to tools provided by Google , you can also explore other online tools , or even hire a company that specializes in SEO marketing to design your website and makes it SEO-friendly. 
SEO is an Important part of marketing in the online world and has many factors that can affect its success . In order to improve your website's  SEO, focus  on creating great content, using relevant keywords, linking when appropriate , and always writing content is original or creative . 

Additionally , SEO is ongoing process and does not end as soon as you have posted content. Instead keeping a website  up -to date by posting new content.  high quality frequently and consequently  is equal. 

The Importance of Keyword Research

Another important part of an SEO  introduction is understanding the significance of keywords. We explained above that keywords are the specific words or set of words that best describe the theme or overall concept of an idea , website , business, or product. Keywords are the words that people use when conducting a search, and should be words that are included in the content of your webpage. choosing the right keywords can help to drive traffics to your site , attract potential customers, and greatly improve your SEO ranking. 

When deciding what keywords you should include in your text , you should consider things such as the relevancy of keywords to your website and your company, as well as competitor that are using the same keywords you can check this by running a quick Google search of chosen keywords you can check this by running a quick Google search of chosen keywords yourself, and seeing what site appear at the top of the list) . To discover the values of your keywords ,  you can buy a sample campaign from Google AdWords, which will allow you to test the traffic generated by your chosen keywords . If all three things are in check - keywords are relevant t o your website , competitors are experiencing success with similar keywords and a sample campaign yields high traffic- you should feel confident in moving forward with keywords

What is an SEO  Strategy ?

An SEO strategy  ( also refereed to as " SEO approach" ) is the process of planning and implementing steps designed to improve Organic search engine rankings. 
in other words an SEO strategy is process that  you follow you want to get more traffic.
with that , here are the steps to create an SEO strategy in 2022: 
step # 1 create a list of keywords 
step # 2 Analyze google 's First Page 

Step # 3 create something different and better . 
step # 4 add a hook  

step # 5 optimize on page SEO 

step # 6 optimize for intent search
step # 7 focus on content design 
step # 8 focus on content design 
step # 9 build links for your content
step # 10 improve and update your content

How does search engine works? 

Because large search engines contain millions and sometimes  billions of pages, many search engines  display the results depending on their  importance . This importance is commonly determined using various algorithms. 
As Illustrated , the source of all search engine data is collected using a spider or crawler that visits each page on the internet and collects its information.
once a page is crawled , the data contained in the page is processed and indexed. 
often, this can involve the steps below. 
strip out stop words.

Record the remaining words on the page and the frequency they occur. 
Records links to other page. 
Record information about any media , image , embedded image on page. 
The data collected is used to record each page. these ranking  then  determine which  pages to show in search result in what order.
Finally , once data is processed it is broken up into piece inserted into the data base and loaded into memory and where it is accessed 
when a search is performed.

Fundamental of Seo  : What is and How it works ?

If you are a business owner, you may have heard of search engine optimization ( SEO) 
So website owners need to optimize their website for search engines to get website traffic.
Despite that , The manifest shares that only  30% of business owners have an SEO strategy in Place. 
Most entrepreneur tried it found it too time- consuming and have seen little Seo Success. 
Once you become familiar with the SEO fundamentals , you will realize that SEO is simply about 
implementing practices that give search engines and visitors the best chance for finding your website.
The beginners guide covers the basics of SEO . Read on to learn more about: 
According to Globalwebindex, 81 % of people use search engines  to find a product or service. 

How to write SEO friendly content
( Beginner to Advanced )

Do you want to write SEO friendly content 

Well , this is  which you could take your blog or your writing career to the next level. 
Write an article , But it takes special kind of practice to write Seo optimized articles. 
I will share some tips for writing SEO - Optimized article that will rank better in  search engine.
Every blog post is like search engine in terms of search engine ranking. 
And you can optimize each post with specific keyword for search engines.
When writing these  SEO friendly articles . 
there are several things that you keep in mind. 

Whenever you hire a new author to work on your blog. You have to give them manual inputs and checklists to help them for writing better articles. 

How to start writing SEO Friendly optimized articles. 

Step 1 : Start with research if you want to make difference for yourself and or your clients without research, you are shooting in dark.
In this stage , you should know following things. 
In this stage , you want to determine fews things. 

1. keyword to target
2. Length of articles
3. Type of articles
4. analyze existing article for outline.
5. people also ask question 

Do yourself a favor and get a tool like SUMresh. 
SUMresh offer free trials

Step 2- type of content : Keyword Search intent
Also, put your target keyword in the Google search to see what kind of articles currently .
This is Part of research and will help you understand what kind of 
article Google  think is the queries. 
you may notice some pattern in search result. 

For example : 
Some queries only show listicles as shown in below screenshot.

Step no: 3 find the idle length of article

Use SEMrush writing assistant to identify what is idle word limit you should have to  increase chance for ranking on first page.
To use this

1. Log in to SEMrush dashboard ( get 14 days trial here )
2. Under on page & Tech SEO > seo content template


1. Enter your target keyword
2. select country and device you want to  target

Click create an SEO template
and it will show you the result as shown in below screen short.

As shown in the screenshot above ,  the first page average word for my target keyword is 
I would naturally ensure that my SEO optimized article should be at least 2100+ words. I have talked about this in depth in my earlier guide on " long form content for SEO. 
Alright , once we are ready with these data , now is the time to create an outline.
Analyze the top 10 results for your target keyword. I know it's a lot of tasks but again, if your goal is to Rank #1 on search  , you need to take extra step to stand out. 


Step 4 scout people also ask 

Search for your target keyword in Google search and it will show a section called " People ask" 

Pick Question that make sense with your article intent and answer them in your article.
But do not stop here. as when you click one of these question .
Google will add more question after that.

This is the one smart way to ensure your SEO optimized content queries that people are looking for. Alright now , it is time to start writing and optimizing your article for SEO.
Now, I use Word press as my content management system and even if you are using something else, the next tips on SEO Copy writing remain applicable to you.

1.Post title and Meta title

First you need to understand difference between  Meta title and post title.

1. Post title : How your reader will see title of post on your website.

2. Post meta tiles: How search engine show your post in search engine. 

If you have not specified Meta title in your SEO setting, your post title will be treated as Meta title.

It is important to have your keywords in Meta Title.
Pro tip: Keep your post title less than 66 characters.

2. Post Meta Description 

Every Word press SEO Plugin allows you to add Meta Description  to a post. 
These description  major role in search ranking. 
Think of a meta description , as sales copy for your blog post:
In 156 characters , you need to add your keywords and create a description that is seductive enough for users to click on it.

if you have  not added meta description in Past. you should start doing it immediately.

Make sure to add your main keyword in meta description and make it intent driven. 

Meta Description is very important.
You should go back to any of your previously published posts which
do not have a meta description and add one.
by optimizing your post meta descriptions you are ensuring that every post you write have the potential to drive a maximum amount of traffic to you site. 
Meta description are very great place to put keywords

3.Image alt attribute

Google can not read images.

1. Text is how google recognizes an images.
To ensure that search engines can understand what  images is about , you must be sure to use proper image names.
many people make the mistake of uploading images with names like image001.jpg.
This is a huge mistake! 
When naming  an image , keep the name relevant to the image itself.

For example if you take a screen shot of your adsense dashboard, and name the image " Adsense- dashboard". This way , when people search for an image at Google image search , they will land on an
image in one of our blog post.
you can always manually add lt attributes when you upload an image.
I have seen positive results when using keywords in mages anchor text ( and also when naming an images) so you should  at lest use
keywords in your image alt text. 

4. interlink and anchor text
When writing a new post , It's always a good idea to link back to old blog posts so that readers will stick around your site for longer also so that search engines can re-crawl these old post. 
This helps in better navigability of your site which reduces the bounce rate- another important factor
When you interlink, you should use the anchor text technique.
Simply put, when you link to a blog post, you see an option to add a link and a title. 
Make sure to fill out the post title with main keywords for the post that you are linking to .


at www. basic - computer - information. blogspot. com 
we also use plugin whisperlink plugin for internal linking .

5. Remove stop link from permalink
we also use a plugin called linkWhisper for internal linking. 

words like " a", "and", "the", and many others which are listed here. 
ignored by search engine. 

Our post titles usually contain lots of stop words.
So for example, when we write a post with title: 
1 . 3  ways to make a blog business plan our post permalink , by default , would be:

2. 3-ways-to-make-a-blog-business-plan.html
"to" and " a" are stop words in the example above.
you can click on edit permalink and change the permalink to " blog-business-plan" , thus eliminating the stop words.
important Note: never change your post permalink once the post is published. 
Our post titles usually contain lots of stop words
so for example, when we write a post with the title. 
3 way to make a blog business plan
our post permalink, by default , would be:

6. H1, H2, H3 heading tags

Using the right heading tags is another important aspect of SEO Copy writing . 
You must not ignore one of the most important aspects of SEO:
Using Proper H1 , H2 , and H3 heading tags 
By default , in any SEO - optimized theme , the post title uses an H1 heading tag. So for next sub-heading , you can use an H2 heading and then an H3 heading , and so on .
it is always a good idea to use proper heading tags for effective S#EE By default, in any SEO-optimized theme, the post title uses and H1 heading tag. so for the next sub - heading , you can use an H2 heading , and then an H3 heading , and so on. 
it is always a good idea to use proper heading tags for effective SEO writing , especially when you are writing a long post . 
Please refer to heading tags for SEO for a better understanding of how to use heading tags for posts. 
According to the SEO community , It's a good idea to use your keywords in H1 , H2, and H3 tags . At the time of creating your outline (In the research phase ) , you should decide what your heading tags should be. 

Final Checklist: 
1. Research for keyword
2. Identify the right word limit
3. scout Google to find the right format for your article 
4. create an outline by analyzing the top 10 results
5.  make a list of question form " poeple also ask" Section of the search
6. Post title for readers & meta title for search engine ( keywords in titles)
7. Post meta description ( optimize it for search engine ( keyword titles) . 
8. image Alt text ( use keyword) 
9. interlink within a post using good anchor text. 
10 . Post permalink ( remove stop words from permalink
11. use proper heading tag ( keywords in H1, H2, H3, tags)

Let us know if you have any questions or if you have any other SEO writing suggestions.
share your thoughts in the comments section!